Terms of Use for the Minerva Foundation’s electronic application and grants administration system: minervafoundation.rimbert.fi
1. The service is provided by Minerva Foundation, CBR number 0127208-3, Tukholmankatu 8, 00290 Helsinki, info@minervafoundation.fi.
2. The service is an electronic application, grant and prize administration system. The service is aimed at grant applicants and grant beneficiaries.
3. Via the service the applicant can submit electronic grant applications and administer his or her grant, including requisitioning and reporting on use of awarded grants. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that information he or she saves in the service is accurate. The service provider does not check the accuracy of information supplied by the applicant, such as for instance the accuracy of information provided in the application.
4. The service provider is responsible for ensuring that applications completed and submitted via the service are passed on to the correct processing authority once the service notifies the user that his or her application is fully completed and has been submitted.
5. The user will receive a personal user name and password for the service, and is responsible for all use of the service carried out using this information, including for ensuring that correct personal information is provided, that the password is not shared with others and that access to his or her applicant account is not granted to others. Organisations and working groups may take an internal decision to permit more than one user to use the user name provided that login information is handled in a secure manner such that third parties do not gain access to the user account. The contact person is responsible for ensuring that this does not occur.
6. The service is not accessible to persons under the age of 15 without their parents’/guardians’ written consent. Contact info@minervafoundation.fi for further information and details of how to go about this.
7. The service provider, in its role as data controller and pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), commits to safeguard personal data which is stored in the service.
8. In principle the service is accessible 24/7, 365 days of the year. The service provider is not however responsible for interruption to the use of the service or for any obstruction or disruption this causes to use of the service. At all times the service provider has the right to wholly or partially suspend the service or carry out changes pursuant to its own priorities. Further, the service provider has the right to immediately revoke the user’s user permissions if the user breaches these terms of use. Besides this, the service provider should, in good time, send the user a termination notification concerning the discontinuation of services or permissions.
9. Registered use of the service presupposes that the user consents to abide by these terms use. The user accepts these terms of use when he or she registers for the service. At all times the service provider has the right to amend these terms of use, in which case the amendments will enter into force when the user accepts the amendments when registering for the service.
10. Disputes relating to use of the service will be resolved in Helsinki District Court.
Additional information concerning the register’s maintenance officer and handling of personal data can be found in the Minerva Foundation’s
Privacy Policy Statement.